التصوير الطبي

Welcome to the Medical Imaging​ Department

We are here to provide you with a complete range of advanced imaging technology and expertise across our Health System facilities. Our team of specialized radiologists and technicians use the latest diagnostic, nuclear, and interventional radiology equipment and procedures to ensure that you receive the most accurate and thorough diagnosis and treatment.

End-to-end advanced imaging services

Whether you require an X-ray, MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, or any other imaging service, we’re focused on getting clear and accurate images to help your doctors understand your health needs. We are here to explain every step of any imaging procedure you may need, making sure you feel reassured and comfortable. We work closely with doctors from every specialty across our Health System, ensuring that you receive the most appropriate tests, and that your doctor receives fast, accurate results and diagnoses to get any treatment you may need underway.


We place priority on your health and wellbeing, guided by the principles of value-based radiology outlined by consensus of international organizations of medical imaging, and leverage our advanced imaging technologies to optimize outcomes and improve lives.

Our Medical Imaging Specialties

رئيس القسم

د. أسامة البستكي
رئيس قسم التصوير الطبي

نهدف إلى التميز في التصوير الطبي من خلال الابتكار والدقة ورعاية تتمحور حول المريض. عبر تبني أحدث التقنيات وتعزيز التعلم المستمر، نرتقي بدقة التشخيص ونحسّن نتائج المرضى. نحن ملتزمون بقيادة تطبيق التصوير الطبي القائم على القيمة، وضمان أعلى معايير الرعاية، ودفع عجلة الابتكار، ودعم التطوير المهني المستمر، لوضع معايير جديدة للتميز في الرعاية الصحية."

الأسئلة الشائعة

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