Dr. Mansour Nadhari
Consultant , Anesthesia

Dr. Mansour Nadhari
Dr. Mansour Nadhari
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Dr. Mansour Nadhari is an accomplished anesthesiologist and an esteemed healthcare leader, currently serving as Chair of Anesthesia Department at Dubai Health and Director of Medical Affairs at Rashid Hospital, Dubai Health, UAE. With over 20 years of clinical experience, he brings significant expertise in both clinical and hospital management. He holds a Facharzt (German board certification) in Anesthesiology.
Beginning his career at Rashid Hospital, Dr. Mansour held numerous leadership roles, including previously as Head of Anesthesia Section at Rashid Hospital.
A dedicated educator, he has trained residents and fellows and mentored early-career anesthesiologists during his tenure as Head of Anesthesia. He established several educational courses in Anesthesia. He was instrumental in securing accreditation for Anesthesia Residency Program from the Arab Board, Saudi Board & Emirati board, thus supporting young UAE students pursuing Anesthesia.
Dr. Mansour is known for his qualities of simplicity, easy accessibility, inclusiveness, and fostering a culture of openness and support.
He served as Chairman of many international conferences including Middle East & North Africa Anesthesia Congress and Chairman of Pan Arab Federation of Society of Anesthesiology Congress, Dubai.
Dubai Health
United Arab Emirates
1994 - PresentEducation
Medical School - Doctor of Medicine (MD)
German Medical Association, Germany
Research and Publication
Comparison of Intraoperative Hemodynamic Stability, Recovery Profile Desflurane versus Sevoflurane during Anesthesia for Cranioplasty: a Randomized Trial
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Epidural Corticosteroids, Lumbar Spinal Drainage, and Selective Hemodynamic Control for the Prevention of Spinal Cord Ischemia in Thoracoabdominal Endovascular Aortic Repair: a New Clinical Protocol
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Internet Remote Control of Pump Settings for Postoperative Continuous Peripheral Nerve Blocks: a Feasibility Study in 59 Patients
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Role of Anaesthetist in Sedation for Diagnostic Procedures: the Glass is Half Empty? A Narrative Review
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Ultrasound-Guided Parasternal Block Allows Optimal Pain Relief and Ventilation Improvement after a Sternal Fracture
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