Welcome to Dubai Cord Blood & Research Center
Dubai Cord Blood & Research Center (DCRC), part of the Dubai Health family, opened in 2006 and is the only government facility offering public and private cord blood banking in the UAE. Accredited by the Association for Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies, DCRC advocates the importance of donation of cord blood stem cells in order to grow and maintain a substantial registry of stem cells for the UAE.
Why is cord blood important?
Cord blood is the blood remaining in the umbilical cord and placenta after a baby is born. This blood is rich in stem cells which are unique in that they have the potential to develop into many different types of cells on the body, and can be used to treat over 80 health conditions including cancer, genetic disorders such as thalassemia, and immune system conditions.
Cord blood can be stored for many years, meaning that the stem cells may be used for transplantation treatment for any health conditions the baby may experience - in some cases it can also be a genetic match with siblings and family members, allowing possible stem cell treatment as a therapeutic option for them.
If you are pregnant, and would like to preserve your baby's cord blood, you can register online with our Cord Blood Registration service, which enables you to safely store cord blood for 30 years. Expectant mothers can register regardless of if they are delivering in a government or a private hospital.
Dubai Cord Blood & Research Center (DCRC), part of the Dubai Health family, opened in 2006 and is the only government facility offering public and private cord blood banking in the UAE. Accredited by the Association for Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies, DCRC advocates the importance of donation of cord blood stem cells in order to grow and maintain a substantial registry of stem cells for the UAE.
Why is cord blood important?
Cord blood is the blood remaining in the umbilical cord and placenta after a baby is born. This blood is rich in stem cells which are unique in that they have the potential to develop into many different types of cells on the body, and can be used to treat over 80 health conditions including cancer, genetic disorders such as thalassemia, and immune system conditions.
Cord blood can be stored for many years, meaning that the stem cells may be used for transplantation treatment for any health conditions the baby may experience - in some cases it can also be a genetic match with siblings and family members, allowing possible stem cell treatment as a therapeutic option for them.
If you are pregnant, and would like to preserve your baby's cord blood, you can register online with our Cord Blood Registration service, which enables you to safely store cord blood for 30 years. Expectant mothers can register regardless of if they are delivering in a government or a private hospital.
Our Approach
Advocating Donation of Cord Blood in the UAE
The only government-run facility dedicated to the collection and storage of cord blood stem cells, ensuring advanced medical treatment options for the future.
Multidisciplinary and Collaborative Care
We work as a team, collaborating across multiple specialties to ensure you receive 360-degree expert care.
AABB Accredited
We are committed to maintaining and continously improving our world-class patient-centered care and safety, and hold the Association for Advancement of Blood and Biotherapies(AABB) accreditation.